Humant Cycle

Medium: Mixed Media 

Dimensions of print : 42 cm x 59.4 cm
Dimensions of box Version : 75 cm x 43 cm x 9cm

Year: 2021

Humant cycle is a critique on consumerism in our capitalist society and how it's system has kept us in a repeated cycle of work, production and consumption. Influenced by the consumerism ideology, people associate their wellbeing and happiness with obtaining materialistic goods and possessions. I want viewers to notice the effects of consumerism and feel feelings of frustration and helplessness towards this repetitive reality, reflecting on their position in our society.  

Creating an alternative nightmarish world influenced by industrial places such as factories and warehouses, my artwork emphasizes on manual labor and the capitalist production. ,  my work consists of a layered installation presented in box frames to re-create a manmade ant terrarium allowing the viewer to observe from a third person perspective. Placing them in the position of power, this highlights how we are stuck in this box or world that we created and are not noticing the extend of the bigger picture.  

Having repetitive patterns made up of ants represent the cycle of no escape, the wallpaper entices the viewer into the artwork, trapping or influencing their perception of the space until they take a step back. Wallpaper links to our living space and by having my work displayed on wallpaper suggest that we are living in this never-ending cycle of consumerism.  

Humant Cycle (2021) Installation at NAFA Skylight Studio

Humant Cycle (2021) Installation at Mulan Gallery


Shopping (2022)


Hope Exchange (2021)