Humant Structure

Medium: Lino print on printer paper

Dimensions: 500cm x 149cm

Year: 2023

Humant Structure explores the ideas of control and acceptance within our capitalist society. Due to capitalism and panopticon, established systems of operations caused society to be in repeated cycles of life where perfection and productivity are prioritized. Control is an innate human desire that provides one with a sense of order and stability. To some, control is considered restrictive, however, control is something I desire. My visual aesthetic renders the structure of an ant mill to represent humans within the control of society.


Consisting of 120 pieces of A4 printer paper that are taped together, Humant Structure projects an unpretentious display of working with what we have. Viewers with a complete view of the work replicates a center watch tower in a panopticon setting where power is now placed on them to reflect on their current position.  Using repetitive lino printing provided me with a calming space of control and predictability. However, as smudges and dents appeared due to hand tremors, I felt fear with my lack of control. Using printer paper, the association of precision is present however with hand printing I am challenging the idea of printmaking and its connection to perfection. By allowing the imperfections of being human to be visible I am also highlighting the fragile relationship of control and acceptance within our harsh perfectionistic cooperate culture where I hope to redefine what is deemed good enough.


Through art, one can gain awareness and create a method of processing, coping, resisting, or accepting situations. For myself, this work is a therapeutic escape to cope with the capitalist system and in the end acceptance of the uncontrollable. Through my work, I hope to spread awareness of the position we hold in shaping our future. Seeing themselves as the ants on the wall. Do viewers want to continue this routine, or do they want to reclaim control?


Wondering (2024)


Today, Tomorrow and Always (2023)